Lluïsa Estivill: The Rebellious Nun Who Saved Reus

Always clear-minded, Sor Lluïsa was a determined and nonconformist nun. She disobeyed her superior when necessary and played a crucial role in protecting the city of Reus during the uprising led by Colonel Joan Prim against Espartero.
On 30 May 1843, all eyes turned to Reus as Colonel Prim revolted against Espartero, then regent of the Spanish crown. The reaction was swift; within days, the city was under siege, and bombs began to fall. The people of Reus, wary of Prim’s position and concerned about the attack, sent a delegation to negotiate with both sides, aiming for the surrender of the rebels and a halt to the bombardment, while ensuring the city wouldn’t be looted. One of the successful negotiators was Sor Lluïsa Estivill.

A Change of Life and Name

Born Rosa in Alforja in 1809, she adopted the name Lluïsa upon entering the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul in Reus. However, she was not always obedient. With a strong character and clear ideas, she clashed with her superior over significant differences and refused to follow her when the community was ordered to move to Tarragona. Sor Lluïsa, along with a small group of companions, remained in Reus to continue caring for the sick at the hospital and, notably, to run a school for underprivileged girls.
Her act of disobedience caused quite a stir. The Archbishop of Tarragona and the Spanish leadership of the Daughters of Charity intervened, demanding that the dissidents either return to their original community or renounce their vows. Even the governor of Tarragona became involved, wanting to assess Sor Lluïsa, and the hospital board spoke highly of her.

Barriers to Education

Ultimately, Sor Lluïsa founded the Daughters of Charity of Reus to continue their work. However, due to the small size of the community and their overwhelming responsibilities, the Town Hall closed the school in 1857. Disappointed, she dissolved the order and established a new school for young children. A year later, one of her former sisters, the future saint Maria Rosa Molas, founded the Sisters of Consolation in Tortosa to continue their educational and charitable efforts. Lluïsa Estivill passed away in 1879, earning the respect and admiration of the people of Reus.

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