The architectural diversity of the General Cemetery of Reus is enriched by the presence of neogothic style, exemplified by the Borràs Pantheon (now shared with the Folch and Compre families, descendants of the original owners).

The pantheon was commissioned by Joan Gil Borràs, who chose a neogothic design characterised by an octagonal, centrally-planned chapel, typical of funerary monuments. The four shorter sides of the structure are adorned with four stylised pinnacles topped with floral motifs and acanthus leaves, symbolising resurrection and eternity, complemented by circular motifs on the sides. Surrounding these pinnacles is a lantern with small blind openings, which were originally intended to allow light to enter the interior of the chapel.

Constructed from white marble, this small chapel stands as one of the few examples in the Reus cemetery that faithfully adheres to the initial design proposed by its client. Although the architect remains unknown, Gil Borràs aimed to create a religious edifice that would ensure his resurrection and preserve his memory among the living after his death. The project was executed by master builder Luis Cervera and the Lleida sculptor Ramon Elias Feut.

Últimes defuncions

En aquest enllaç podeu accedir a l'històric de les darreres defuncions que han estat ateses al nostre Tanatori Municipal de Reus.

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Cementeri general

El Cementiri General de Reus ha complert recentment els seus 150 anys d'història. Una commemoració que ha estat protagonitzada per tot un seguit d'activitats culturals i de divulgació d'aquest patrimoni.

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Botiga online

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