Among the monumental structures in the General Cemetery of Reus, two notable modernist tombs stand out. The first is the Margenat Chapel, designed by architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner, a student of Antoni Gaudí and also the creator of the well-known Casa Navàs, located in Plaça Mercadal, Reus.

This chapel is number 33 in the old part of the cemetery and is situated in the central section of the east wall. It was commissioned by Josep Margenat i Fàbregas, who buried the remains of his eldest son there. The chapel features a central, quadrangular layout topped with a ribbed vault, with the supporting ribs resting on four corner columns.

The floor is adorned with marble slabs and a variety of mosaics. The walls are divided into two sections by a frieze with reliefs of flowers and angels. The lower section combines square-shaped marble pieces of various sizes, while the upper section displays a mosaic of Greek crosses interspersed with flowers and leaves that frame the ribs.

Últimes defuncions

En aquest enllaç podeu accedir a l'històric de les darreres defuncions que han estat ateses al nostre Tanatori Municipal de Reus.

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Cementeri general

El Cementiri General de Reus ha complert recentment els seus 150 anys d'història. Una commemoració que ha estat protagonitzada per tot un seguit d'activitats culturals i de divulgació d'aquest patrimoni.

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Botiga online

En aquest apartat trobareu diferents possibilitats de detalls florals per fer arribar a les famílies mentre fan ús de les diverses sales de vetlla.

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