The General Cemetery of Reus has established two spaces in response to requests from citizens seeking alternative locations for the ashes of their deceased family members or friends. These include the Fountain of Ashes, where ashes can be scattered, and a nearby columbarium. Both areas are in the northern extension of the cemetery, close to the central pathway.

Families can hold a simple ceremony at the Fountain to scatter the ashes of their loved ones into the water, symbolising the act of remembrance. To utilise this service, it is necessary to coordinate with the staff at the General Cemetery of Reus. The new columbaria, which number 84, can each hold four urns, thereby expanding the options for interring ashes already available at the cemetery.

In designing the General Cemetery of Reus, we aimed to create a natural space featuring a stone fountain, surrounded by floral arrangements typical of our region, where the flow of water facilitates the scattering of ashes. It is crucial that this service is always conducted under the supervision of cemetery staff and management.

In 1902, it was decided to designate this burial site for the remains from the old Roser Cemetery, where new burials had ceased since 1871. The transfer of remains began in 1897 and continued until 1919, culminating in the mass transfer of all remaining remains. This allowed the area surrounding the Roser Chapel to be cleared and restored to its original function.

Últimes defuncions

En aquest enllaç podeu accedir a l'històric de les darreres defuncions que han estat ateses al nostre Tanatori Municipal de Reus.

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Cementeri general

El Cementiri General de Reus ha complert recentment els seus 150 anys d'història. Una commemoració que ha estat protagonitzada per tot un seguit d'activitats culturals i de divulgació d'aquest patrimoni.

Aneu al cementiri
Botiga online

En aquest apartat trobareu diferents possibilitats de detalls florals per fer arribar a les famílies mentre fan ús de les diverses sales de vetlla.

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