Dr. Alexandre Frias i Roig was born in Reus, at number 19 of the current Raval de Martí i Folguera, on 20 August 1878. Orphaned of his mother, Maria Roig, at the age of seven and of his father, Isidor Frias, at twelve, Alexandre had to study while working.

In 1890, he became an apprentice at the pharmacy of Josep Llovera, located at the beginning of Carrer de Jesús, and also worked at the printing house of Pere de Bofarull, where the Diario de Reus was published. In 1893, he obtained his Baccalaureate degree in Reus, and in 1894, he moved to Barcelona, where he worked as a practical pharmacist at Francesc Sardà's pharmacy.

In 1895, he began studies in Teaching and Medicine in Barcelona while also working in pharmacies in Cornellà, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Boi, and Colònia Güell. As a member of the group “La Xeringa,” he participated in numerous student and literary activities, showcasing his sense of humour and drawing skills.

In 1902, he graduated in Medicine and Surgery and settled in Ametlla de Mar, where he won the position of titular doctor in 1906 through competition, a role he combined with that of municipal medical inspector.

In 1905, he married Eudalda Torreblanca i Serra in Cornellà, with whom he had two children, Maria (1907-1920) and Alexandre (1911-1937), both tragically passing away in their youth.

In 1909, Frias returned to Reus, where he was appointed deputy director of the Ambulance service, opened a private practice for women's and children's health, completed his studies in Teaching, and began publishing articles and pamphlets and giving lectures on medical research.

He made significant contributions in various health-related fields and actively participated in campaigns to treat infectious diseases. In 1911, he was awarded the silver medal from the Red Cross, and in 1912, he was appointed interim assistant in the Science Section of the General and Technical Institute of Reus, where he established a clinical bacteriotherapy and microscopic analysis centre dedicated to rabies vaccination.

He undertook a “sanitary orientation trip” to various hospitals and specialized centres in France, Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland, visiting the “Drop of milk” in Geneva, which would serve as a reference for him. Upon returning to Reus, he continued his extensive work in various health sectors and actively participated in campaigns to treat infectious diseases.

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