Antoni Pedrol Rius was born in Reus in 1910 and passed away in Madrid in 1992. He was a lawyer, jurist, and State Counselor.

Pedrol was born in Reus, the same city as General Prim. He wrote a remarkable book titled The Assassins of General Prim, which delves into the assassination of Joan Prim in 1873 and explores the historical shift that occurred with his death, filled with unpublished data and insightful contributions.

He earned his law degree in Zaragoza and went on to obtain his doctorate in Madrid, enrolling at a time just before the onset of the Second Republic. Unbeknownst to him, this would establish a connection with the Spanish capital that would last until the end of his life.

Pedrol became a prestigious lawyer specializing in commercial law and authored several monographs on the subject. He dedicated his professional activity and intellectual output to significant and previously under-researched areas, including public limited companies, statutory clauses regarding the transferability of shares in corporations, the concept of voting rights in companies, the current anonymous corporation, and share syndication. His unique sharpness and intellect allowed him to delve deeply into these topics during a time of intense professional dedication. He represented clients in many of the most significant legal disputes of his time.

In the early 1960s, Pedrol began to gain public recognition, which ultimately led to his election as Dean of the Madrid Bar Association.

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Cementeri general

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