This pantheon is another example of non-religious iconography. The stele at the head of the tomb was created by Reus-born sculptor Joan Rebull, depicting an allegory of triumph with a kneeling woman offering a laurel wreath to the deceased. This funerary monument is one of the earliest in the cemetery and follows a Neo-Gothic style. Commissioned by the Boule family, one of the most prominent dynasties in Reus during the late 19th century, the pantheon is currently undergoing restoration.

Designed as a Neo-Gothic chapel or temple, the pantheon was created by architect Francesc Blanc i Pons in 1882. It is a reproduction of grand Gothic constructions, complete with an underground crypt. The owner, Josep Boule, opted for a white marble chapel, adhering to the classic proportions of Gothic architecture. The monument is accessed via a staircase made from three marble steps, each carved from a single piece. Inside, two stained-glass side windows direct light toward the crypt at the center, with light—an essential element of Gothic architecture—symbolizing a mystical connection to the divine.

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Cementeri general

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