Commissioned by Pere Òdena, owner of the Vapor Vell silk factory, from the Barcelona-based architect Jaume Brossa Mascaró in 1872. Originally designed in a Neo-Egyptian style, the mausoleum was initially meant to resemble a mastaba, a type of rectangular, solid Egyptian tomb. However, the final design deviated from this concept, incorporating a cross to symbolise Christianity triumphing over the pagan world, represented by the temple below.

The monument is enclosed by a wrought iron fence with ornamental details, such as the owls placed at the corners. On the terrace, near the cross that crowns the monument, you can observe five of the cemetery’s most artistically valuable sculptures, created by the brothers Venanci and Agapit Vallmitjana i Barbany.

The entrance is marked by a door with a lintel crafted from a single block of smooth marble, with slightly slanted jambs in the Egyptian style. Notable decorative elements include panels featuring large bees interspersed with geometric details and small palm trees. These designs carry symbolic meaning: in Egyptian hieroglyphics, bees represent industriousness and wealth, qualities associated with the family, known in Reus for their hard work and personal dedication.

The mausoleum is surrounded by a perimeter fence of wrought iron, enclosing the base of the monument.

Últimes defuncions

En aquest enllaç podeu accedir a l'històric de les darreres defuncions que han estat ateses al nostre Tanatori Municipal de Reus.

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Cementeri general

El Cementiri General de Reus ha complert recentment els seus 150 anys d'història. Una commemoració que ha estat protagonitzada per tot un seguit d'activitats culturals i de divulgació d'aquest patrimoni.

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